Burglars are becoming more sophisticated, using tools including social media to target people on vacation or out of town. Here are four ways to use social media safely and reduce the risk of burglary:
1. Don’t Post Information About Business Trips or Vacations
When criminals plan a burglary, they’re going to make sure you’re out of town. Many people will post status updates at the airport or on vacation, which provides a perfect opportunity for burglars to break into your house.
2. Disable the Geotagging Button on Apps
Many mobile apps use geotagging to add geographical identification metadata to various media, including photographs or videos. If you have the geotagging button turned on in social media apps, the burglar can find your location using photos or videos uploaded via social media apps.
3. Don’t Accept Friend Requests from Strangers
Most criminals send friend requests to search victim’s profiles for information regarding out of town trips. Some criminals even use small opportunities, such as a person going to work for the day, to break into the victim’s house. If you’re worried about burglary or other types of crime, don’t accept friend requests from strangers, or accept and limit the amount of activity strangers can view on your profile.
4. Wait Until You’re Home to Post Photos or Status Updates
Sometimes it’s difficult to avoid posting about a vacation or out of town trip. It’s exciting to share information about vacations with friends and family. If you must post about vacations, wait until you’re home to post photos or status updates.
To learn more about using social media safely, give us a call or send us an email. Alvarez Technology Group can help you share information safely and reduce the risk of burglary and other various crimes.